I received this as an email from my son requesting me to excuse him from his religious education class.
Religious education is extremely boring, all we ever do is sit around listening to our really boring teacher talk about how god created the world and about the whole bible (last term we went through the whole old testament bible and this term we are doing the new testament) in her funny accent (no offence to her).
Why I don’t believe in god:
If god were real, then why would there be sin on this planet? why would he “let us” do what we want? If he was real then why would he not prove it by coming down to earth and showing himself instead of letting millions of people die due to what they believe in? What is the point of creating us when we are going to die one way or the other? If god or Jesus were actually real (or any of the gods) then why not prove it instead of leaving it to an old book that we don’t even know who actually wrote? And why did “Jesus” only come down to earth about a gazillion years ago? why cant he just show himself and let all the people see that he actually exists instead of letting people kill each other because one of them doesn’t believe in him.
What I would do in my time instead of religious education:
I would go learn about something that we know actually exists in this world either on the computer or from a book or I would get on with my school work or any catch up work that i have not done. Instead of wasting time listening to someone go on about something that we don’t even know exists, i could learn about something that would actually help me get on with life and actually gain some knowledge about real life issues.
Mom, Please excuse me from Religious education because of these reasons.
Ps: I love you 🙂