Junk and treasure

Amma’s main complaint when I was a child was that I always had an answer. ( Which is true!) Some how i didn’t think my children would inherit that trait. ( Rather, I didn’t expect that I would be lost for words!)
This evening my son complained that I don’t go to his room anymore. I usually spend time with him in the evening asking about his day etc etc, but haven’t done so because I have been busy helping Yaya with her studies.

And I being the smart mother told him “that is because your room is a junk yard”
( Remember, I am taking a step back as the school principal suggested)

My son looked at me and said

“But mom, haven’t you heard one person’s junk is another person’s treasure? you might think all the stuff in my room is a junk..but it is my treasure”

Speechless. I was absolutely speechless.