Yaya’s mid term exams are going on now. The result from this exams will be used as her predictive score for admission in to US unis. ( Her final results will only be published after the admissions closing date). So it is very important that she gets really good score.
Beginning of this year, I noticed that she was struggling with Maths, especially calculus. Her first term score was 5 ( highest is 7) and I finally asked her if she would like to have a tutor? She refused. initially and after a few weeks of pestering she relented by saying that she will try a tutor for one lesson and if she doesn’t like him, then that is it.
So I looked for the hottest tutor I could find. ( The only way I could ensure the tutor would last) He is a 3 rd year Engineering student, got the highest grade in grade 12 and very good looking and Yaya was very keen to have maths lessons!
Then there is a girl in her class who always got 7 for maths and Yaya and her have been competing to be the Dux. ” I am never going to be better than her” was Yaya’s response after every maths exam. “She is so good in Maths, I inherited your brain mom, why?” were all became part of her grievances.
Last week she had her Maths exam and she not only got the 7, but also beat her friend by 1 mark. It was the impetus Yaya needed.. All of a sudden the clouds of doubts have parted and it is like there is a new Yaya.. the really confident one..
you are funny!
congrats on getting highest score.
now study so that you can go on your sailing break…
MS: Thank you. Having kids have taught me that “whatever works” should be my motto.. Getting the hottest tutor has helped..
Wow! Congrats Yaya and Sarah!
Nimmy: Thank you
Sarah, So Yaya proved she didn’t inherit your brain!
Bipin: There is absolutely no doubt that Yaya is a million times more smarter than me.
Aww congrats Yaya !!
I agree, with self confidence, you can achieve anything 🙂
J1206: 🙂