So, this is a post I never ever dreamt that I would write. As they say, one should never say never.
When I got back home, on my bed there was a folder with few printed pages inside. First of all, I must tell you about folders. I love Calvin and Hobbes. When my kids were little, I read all the cartoon strips for them. There is one strip where Calvin tries to score marks by presenting his assignment in professional clear plastic folder..
You should read the rest of the cartoon to know what happened in the end. Anyway, kids have always known the importance of professional clear plastic folder. 🙂
Inside the professional clear plastic folder was this.
I haven’t laughed so much for a very long time. However, I grew up in a family that never had a pet. I have never patted a dog in my life. I am terrified of holding animals and birds.
Kids have not only done the funding proposals, they also worked out the proper budget, including a spread sheet on the ideal breed, best pet insurance and the best pet food. They also called the RSPCA in Kingaroy (a cool three hour trip from my home) and made an appointment, So, We went to see the dogs and came home with one.
So here we are..
Announcing the arrival of Kirra Isabel
Kirra means leaf/ boomerang in Aboriginal language. Isabel is in memory of Isabel Gonzales, human rights activist..
I’m so happy for you guys (Sorry I just get too excited when someone brings home a pooch-huge dog lover here!!). You’ll love having a dog. They give unconditional love and will make you fall in love with them with their slobbery kisses and cuddles!
Welcome Kirra!! 😀
Oh, and I to also loved Calvin and Hobbes as a kid. Still read them, along with Peanuts, Garfield and For Better or For Worse from time to time 🙂
J1206: I still read Calvin and Hobbes..I also like Hagar the horrible and Zits.
J1206: Thank you
so cute! you will fall in love with her.
Anjali: I did 🙂
Congrats on the new addition, she looks adorable! – Just make sure #6 care and maintenance doesn’t by default fall on the mother! 🙂 BTW what breed is she?
Goutham: I adopted her knowing that eventually the caring for her will land on my head..(there was an episode in ‘tooltime’ when the oldest gets a news paper delivery the first day he got up at 4 am.. by the end of the week, his mom had to drag him out of the bed.. it will be pretty much the same with Kirra.. right now all three are actively involved..if it lasts.. I am the lucky one..
She is a bull arab.. selectively bred in Australia in the 70’s as a pig hunter..
wow!! congrats on your expanded family!
MS: Thank you
The proposal info in the clear plastic folder was too good!
Adorable dog.
Nimmy: I laughed so much reading it..
Ha Ha Ha. Reading this made my day Sara! .Love the kids. You’ll love the dog. Also it will help you heal.Be happy always dear Happy vishu.
Smitha: That part where she wrote that the it will help the senior member, when all the junior members leave to create their own company…that was my favourite..