
Yesterday was Baby’s grade 7 graduation.

Yaya helped to pick her dress, did her hair and makeup and my job was the role of the spectator. My child looked gorgeous. I bought her a silver coin from Perth mint as her graduation gift. (


All three of my children have completed elementary school education and they no longer depend on me like they used to. Today, I am just so glad that I was able to spend every minute of their childhood with them. It was an honour and I am grateful for the opportunity. I read somewhere that growing old is a privilege denied to many and I honestly think it is staying at home to raise your children is the biggest privilege denied to many.

As I walked in to the hall to attend the ceremony, her class teacher handed me her grade 7 report card and told me “You have an awesome child and it was a delight to have taught her and would you please let me know when she goes to Uni as to what she chose to do?” Currently she writes and publishes novels on Wattpad and her dream is to be a journalist and her teacher thinks she will make a very good journalist.

I don’t like to compare my children as they are different as day and night and it is really not fair on them to be compared as they are unique in their own ways. That being said, I would like to talk about how different they are ! Yaya and Toothless are driven and have always excelled academically and Baby has always been a happy go lucky kind of child. She didn’t give a damn if she got a B, unlike her siblings.

As a mom, the only thing that I am concerned is with the Effort column, I expect them to give 100 % when it comes to effort. I haven’t seen Baby studying for her exams and didn’t really expect anything great in her report card. Besides, I know that Grade 7 marks really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life.

To say I was shocked to see her report card was probably the biggest understatement of the year.

Without much further ado, here it is.

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As you know by now, I am hopeless when it comes to taking a decent photo. Baby got A for English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, and B for HPE, Arts, Technology, Japanese and Music.

Effort: Excellent for all subjects.

I liked the violin music teacher’s comment the most. XXXX reads music with reasonable accuracy and fluency and demonstrates good technical proficiency on her instrument at this level. XXXX has a very high commitment to lessons and ensemble and is organized in regard to her equipment and attendance.

So here I am..on a beautiful sunny day..a part of me is very excited to see my children growing up..and a part of me wish for a little bit more time..just a little bit more time

13 thoughts on “Surprises

  1. Congrats!
    Joys of parenthood!!

    Summer.. We have low pressure forming threatening to bring rain and wind and snow and slush! Enjoy the warmth.

    • MS: Thank you.
      We have had three major storms in two weeks..a lot of my friends and neighbours lost their cars ( hail)..and the roof of their houses

  2. Delurking for the first time.
    Can you give me your email ID, I am facing a couple of problems with my chiild and need your opinion and suggestion.
    Hats off to you for bringing up your children so well.

    • Bipin: Just as I savour each moment, I look forward to the next..not because I am in a hurry, but because the rewards of this journey are hiding just around the corner..

  3. What a surprise indeed ! 😀

    It’s funny when you least expect something, something great is bound to happen and when you have high expectations, things that we wish not to endure happens. I like how you don’t pressure your kids to be those top A grade kids..(aka the “tiger mom” you can say !), and especially that you let your kids take their time to experience mistakes and succeed on their own terms.

    Well done Baby !!!!! 😀 😀 😀

    • J1289: I had a senior who won 17 gold medals. MBBS, do not have 17 subjects, she got more than one gold medal for some of the subjects because she was incredibly smart. The last I knew, she was working as a lecturer in a dental college.. Anyone can rot learn. I didn’t want my children to rot learn. They have solid foundations to stand on..and that helps them

  4. I don’t know why,but I feel so happy with you too ,as you celebrate each milestone 🙂
    You’re Wonder Woman and I’m glad you’re writing this blog and I feel lucky to be reading it too!
    Have a good one !

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