School will reopen on Tuesday. Yaya will be in grade 4, toothless in grade 2 and My baby is starting kindergarten….
Gosh, time really flies..
I will not be able to blog until Wednesday..
Wishing you guys a great weekend.
School will reopen on Tuesday. Yaya will be in grade 4, toothless in grade 2 and My baby is starting kindergarten….
Gosh, time really flies..
I will not be able to blog until Wednesday..
Wishing you guys a great weekend.
Have a great weekend sarah.I can relate to how time flies, it seems like only yesterday I was getting my kids off to school.Now my son is driving me to dr appointments .
Hi Sarah
Best wishes to yaya, toothless and the little one. Of late I’ve been too busy. Will catch up with all your posts as soon as I am free.
best wishes to the 3 musketeers :)(just felt the name wud suit)
sumthing inspired by ur blogs….
I know how it feels to let go the little ones…Its amazing how fast they grow with out we realising.
W/o them its quite lonely and boring for sure.
Any way good luck to them in their
hi Nina…
it seems that we grew up in the same area…
i did my grads in b.c.m (psst.. even i didn’t wanna join there at first… and i got admsn in C.M.S. but ma mom insisted i join there ‘coz she thought it was a better option w/o the politics and all… but later in ma final yr i “fell in love” with ma instituition…)
and am currently in b’lore….
so… wen i read ur posts i cud imagine u walking to the baker skool, going to Paico…
and hey!! did u do ur french tuition with Li’l Jerome ma’m? i suppose so… she is the only french teacher i knw of in kalathipadi… i was her student in marian… 🙂
am in the process of reading ur earlier posts…
like i said in an earlier cmnt…
am glued to it….
hey sara,
wishing the kids all the very best in school… take care.
lotsa love…
u havent written for a long time…
how r u doing ?
guess the three of them r keeping u busy
take care 🙂
Starry: It feels terrible.. All of a sudden my house is so quiet and I feel so miserable
Geets: Thank you..
Tessie: Saw the link.. Beautiful post..
4peach: When they were little, I couldn’t wait for them to grow up.. and now I wish..they didn’t grow up so fast!
Tessie: I loved my school, hated BCM..
Sk: Thank you
Anooja: Was busy with all the school reopening programs!!