Now here is the back ground. My mom is obsessed with gardening and keeping things neat and clean. We( my sisters and I) would keep our fingers crossed and pray hard tht she won’t steal any plants/seeds/shoots from our hostel garden.Imagine the horror of her getting caught and the embarrassment we hv to face.
All my life I hv known If mom is not in the house, she is in the garden( if not in ours then at the neighbour’s stealing plants!!!)
Currently she is with my sister in Auckland. My sister bought a new house recently and mom has been busy making the best garden in NZ. She and my brother in law spend weeks clearing and hacking and all the stuff associated with gardening. Eventually there was a huge pile of garden refuse. she got my brother in law to bundle them up and put it on one corner of the garden, away from anything tht can catch fire and both of them lit a nice camp fire, just like we do in our kampong.Burn all the crap mah..
After all the hard work, My brother in law had a nice bottle of chilled corona, mom had a lemonade(don’t know if she mixed vodka in it though). They sat on the patio, watching the fire.only to have the serenity interrupted by the flashing lights and sirens of the fire engine and cops..
Well apparently it is illegal to burn stuff in NZ. And my wonderful KIWI brother in law didn’t know tht too. Cops warned mom, if she does tht again, she would be arrested and will hv to pay a huge fine.
Any way to cut a long story short, Mom is in shock, she never expected to be interrogated by cops. not at the age of 70( ok ok.. if mom ever reads this, i will be six feet under and pushing up daisies… she is going to be 70 soon)
My sister freaked out, chewed mama’s and her husband’s head.
And me.. I am relieved.. if she visit Canada, i can safely take her to the parks.. She probably won’t do any more gardening.
i can juz read the headlines….
Raider of the Lost Plants Found!
Gardening Arsonist Grandma Arrested!
lol, oh well, ya mom got a passion abt gardening then, whats her fav plants?
jeez I hv no idea wht is her fav plant.. she is the only person I know who can grow an orchid in a nescafe coffe pouch and she has a daughter, who can kill any plant..luckily my abilities are only for the plants, Imagine if it were
Hello there,
I was going thru ur previous posts and this one is hilarious. U r a superb writer and I just love all ur blogs. Do keep up the good work.