Ten reasons why I love you and why you’re a great mom.
1. You cook amazing food and still make school lunches for me.
2.You let me do crazy things like dye my hair red, get my ears pierced twice and go to concerts.
3. I can talk to you about anything, from politics to boys just like a friend.
4. You may be a friend but you’re also my mother and you take good care of me and make sure I’m safe. You look out for me.
5. You always give me what I want even if I don’t ask for it or deserve it, especially when it comes to money.
6. You taught me how to aim high, to be determined and work for what I want.
7. You’re crazy like me and do wacky things like drive two hours to get ice cream or fish and chips
8. You support me through hard times like exam week and encourage me, telling me that I SHOULD leave it till the last minute, that I most definitely have time to go shopping.
9. You never fail to tease me which keeps my ego from getting too big.
9.5. You let me listen to my ‘bad’ music in the car ( sometimes)
10. You can always make me smile even when I don’t want to.
Thanks for being an amazing mother.