Empty nest

My youngest is away on a school camp. The same camp older two went when they were in grade 6.

I am not sure what is with mothers and their youngest child..When Yaya went to the camp, I missed her terribly, same with my son. But with baby, it is not just missing her,I feel so lost, like a part of me is missing. Although the older two are home and are their usual self, my house is so quiet. No one is there to talk to me in Italian accent.. No one is taking an hour long shower and I can’t complain that someone is emptying the pacific ocean and killing all the whales. There aren’t a million drinking glasses in the sink. ( She takes a new glass every time she wants a drink, the concept of washing a used glass instead of taking a new one each time has skipped her completely) No one is singing all the latest  songs at the top of her voice. I miss sitting outside with her at night to watch the sky, especially the next few days. ( if you are in Southern hemisphere, you will notice the moon crescent is in the bottom like a U, not the usual C, shape because of the earth’s tilt and the light the moon receives from the sun)

6 years from now, my youngest will leave home and go to whichever country she is planning to study. When my children were little and the life I had known prior to having them vanished, I had promised myself that I will do all that I missed out  when they leave home. I was going to sail around the world, visit all the places I had wanted to visit, learn a new language..after all I am a firm believer of Gibran’s poem on children.. I have to let them fly out of my nest…But, if I can’t function a week without my children, how am I going to spend the rest of my life without them?

8 thoughts on “Empty nest

  1. All the sailing, the traveling and the learning of new language (culture, cuisine) etc were thought in advance probably because you always wanted them to leave and go to other countries.. you will be visiting them in turns.. assuming all go to different countries..
    Nice planning!! 🙂

    • MS: A sailor friend of mine often talk about the joy of spending weeks in total silence, with no one to talk to, blue skies above and clear blue water all around.. I want to experience that.

  2. I feel its difficult to love more children equally,i grew up as 2,but I have one and I wish its like tht..if yur kids feel yur anxiety with them leaving it cud be more difficult for them,i used to babysit my mum cos she was so incapable of looking aftr herself..

    • Santhia: I love my children equally, but differently. When they were little, I used to tell them that Yaya is my favourite because she is my first born, toothless is my favourite because he is my only son and baby is my favourite because she is the youngest..All are my favourites,

  3. I just moved to Gladstone from Singapore and I am so glad you pointed the moon out to me. It was one of those things I would have easily missed. Much thanks – I spent quite sometime last night watching the same yet different moon

      • I just landed here 3 weeks back. Heading to Heron island this weekend – beyond that I am still planning. Plan to explore a lot. Tannum is a great community. I wanted to live there but ended up in a community between Boyne and Gladstone. I do end up driving to Boyne everyday as my daughter goes to kindy in that area.
        So do you have any island recommendations? I moved out of Singapore before I made a trip to Tioman as you had recommended previously.
        I actually tried to find you on twitter once my move was finalized and realized you are not active there.

        • Vinitha: All the islands off Gladstone are incredibly beautiful. You should check out Cania gorge National park. My kids want to live there permanently.

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