But then again you will see why I am writing about vibrators.
The year was 1988 and I was a 17 year old girl when I joined the medical college. Until then I led a very sheltered life and spoke very little English. In the first few months I was confused, dazed, home sick and scared. There were more boys in my class than I had seen in my lifetime until that moment. Some of the boys were already giving me ‘that’ look and I had butterflies ( tons of them) in my belly. It was scary and exciting. Scary because I knew nothing about sex, exciting because it was a new experience.
I was also barely passing the class exams and was beginning to get picked on by the anatomy professor. I desperately wanted to catch up on my studies, so I will continue to get “that” look from the boys and be the center of attraction.At the same time I didn’t understand a word of anatomy! I couldn’t learn something if I didn’t understand and anatomy is one subject that there is nothing to understand. You just keep learning the origin and insertion of each muscle, nerve supply etc etc.
Progressively I was getting in to trouble with the other departments as well..
And one fine morning we were told that there would be a spot test for physiology. I normally skipped all the physiology class and I don’t remember why I ended up in the Physiology lab and had to do the test. There were all sorts of slides and equipments on the table and we had to identify them. Obviously I couldn’t identify a single slide and I was getting really stressed. ( when you skip a test it is marked absent, which is much better than getting a zero !!) And then I saw the one thing I have known since the age of 10.
It was the tuning fork. The ENT specialist back home used it to diagnose my deafness when I was 10. So I knew what it was. But at that moment, how much ever I tried, I really couldn’t remember the name. All I could think was it was something that vibrates. You are given only a minute with each item on the spot test, so I wrote “vibrates” on my answer sheet hoping I would be able to remember what it was and correct it at the end before handing over my answer sheet.
But the lecturer was standing near the last slide and I wasn’t given time to go through my answers.
I honestly didn’t think much of it either.
The next morning, all the guys in my class was giving me ‘that’ look. But it wasn’t the same look I got before.
Apparently, the lecturer told the boys that I am a ‘fast’ woman. I wrote vibrator for tuning fork.
Even then, I didn’t know what a vibrator was and why my reputation was in tatters!!
It took a while to figure out and I wanted to kill the lecturer.
Few weeks ago, I had a FB invite from a friend of a friend. I didn’t recognize the name and asked “How do I know you?”
He replied ” I taught you Physiology”
The guy I wanted to kill all those years ago..
He doesn’t remember the vibrator incident.. but he tells me that he had a huge crush on me and was looking for me for the last 2 decades..
Such is life
lol lol lol…..I can't stop laughing !!!!
I was also the target of my class mates when I was in the engineering college. Those boys used to find double meaning of whatever I said and they even started to make series of jokes in which I was the main character.. But after some time I was also enjoing it. Missing those days…
wow!! two decades… :))
Tinker bells: I still think I actually wrote vibrates not vibrator and it was my notorious handwriting that is the culprit..
Anju: Those were the days eh?
Kuyil Kay: 2 decades too late!