At the end of each school term, my children bring all their class work back home. I found this article in my son’s bag. ?
I remember taking him for shopping that day. We went to Carrefour in Cheras. When the kids were young, shopping for groceries were a nightmare. I couldn’t leave the kids alone at home. When I took them with me,I couldn’t take the stroller because when I push the youngest in the stroller, the older two will run away. So I used to carry the youngest in one hand and got the oldest two to hold the belt hoop in my jeans ( one on the left side and one on the right side) and with my free hand pushed the shopping cart.
I had bought a red tartan print shorts for my son and he wore it that day. Any time we went out, he would pick the tartan shorts. He wore a matching red t shirt with an airplane print.
When you enter Carrefour, all the toiletries/make up were on the left side of the main aisles. I was a mom of three kids, all below the age of 5 and make up was not part of my life then. And I was going to bypass the section, till I noticed my son standing right in front of a twin pack of Shampoo and conditioner with a little bear ( percuma/free) in the middle. Kao brand, honey and royal jelly. It wasn’t a brand I used. My son pointed to the bear and said he wanted it.
Years ago, my sister in law had told me about going for shopping with her mother when she was 4 years old and getting her mother to buy a packet of pink colour hair rollers. She said, the only way to get her mother to buy the hair rollers was to have a tantrum at the shop and she did just that.She rolled on the floor, screaming and crying till her mother bought the hair rollers. She also told me that she knew she was going to be severely punished once they reached the safety of their home. She wanted the hair rollers and she was going to get it, irrelevant of the beatings she was sure to receive later. ( she was also aware that she had very short hair and couldn’t use the hair rollers..her mother had explained it to her, but to no avail)
I explained to my son that I don’t use that Shampoo. I am a creature of habit and have been using the same shampoo for years. My son didn’t budge. not a bit.
He stood there right in front of the shelf, like a statue.
I bought the shampoo and my son still remembers it and still has Gibby.