FB status update!!

Toothless is now Single !!

Have you ever played minesweeper? You know that sense of feeling when you dodged that mine? I feel the same!

Day 1 of the relationship. The skype was ringing non stop. My son didn’t even want to come out of his room to eat dinner. He didn’t want to talk to any of us ( his sisters and I). He ignored us and told us we are annoying when we did nothing!

Day 2: Skype non stop. Her mother cancelled her fb account and I told my son that I will be forced to enforce timeouts if he sits in front of the computer 24/7. He went for a 30 mints cycle ride and came back and skype was back to ringing non stop. He was still angry with the three of us.

Day 3: He decimated my garden to make a bouquet of flowers for her. Skype was ringing non stop. He was still ignoring me!

Day 4: He started to walk her home. Skype was ringing not so often!

Day 5: She baked him brownies. He wrote her love letters. Skype was quiet.

Day 6: He finally came out  of his room and sat with me outside and stole my tea when I went inside to get a book. It was the first sign that my son is still the same boy I knew the last 12 years and not the one who stayed in my house the last 6 days.

Day 7 to day 14: He was back to normal. He helped me in the garden, started annoying his sisters and the skype was off. I was worried what was going on.

Day 15: I was reading and he came and sat next to me. “Mom” he called. I looked at him.
“Can I talk to you?”
“Sure” I replied.
“mom, do you know that feeling when you fall out of love?”
“What happened?” I asked
“Well, I don’t know how to explain mom, it is like, I can’t breath. She haunts me. If I go down to the bottom oval with my friends during the break, she is there. top oval, she is there, morning break, she is there. She won’t leave me alone for a sec”
“But you did the same too. You even walked her home” I answered
“Yeah, I know. But it was fun then, but it isn’t now”
“So, what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know mom. I don’t want to hurt her. I like her. But I don’t love her. I would like us to be friends.”
“Ok” I replied.
He wasn’t asking me for my opinion. So I didn’t offer.

Two days ago, he told me he broke up with her.
“Is she ok?” I asked
“yes” he said.

I hope so. I thought.

My mother used to tell me, life is like the guy in the paddy field who work on the water wheel( chakram). You step on one pedal, press it down and the next one is right there in front of you to step on and press down!

Yaya came to me last night asking if she could have an eyebrow piercing!
My first thought “over my dead body”
Try telling a teenager that!
“Why do you want an eyebrow piercing? I asked
“Because it is cool, mom”
“How so?”
“Well, even Senor T has one” ( Senor T is her favourite teacher. He doesn’t wear the eyebrow piercing to school, only during week ends and school hols) She hasn’t used my sisters as a reason and it was only a matter of time before she used that card, cause both my younger sisters have body piercing.
So I deflected the direction
“But, piercing is like mutilating the body” I replied, though I very much wanted to ask her if Senor T jumped in front of the train would she?
“Mom, couldn’t you find some other arguments? She looked at me with total disdain. “And like you to talk about mutilation, when you have already got my ears pierced without even getting my consent.”

She has a point there. I did get her ears pierced when she was a year old !

“but it would hurt, eyebrows have a lot of nerve supply and the pain is excruciating!” I tried my last trump card
“Then may be I will get a belly button piercing”
Darn, I thought.

“Medically, it will be advisable you to be on antibiotic cover before you get any piercing. You also need a tetanus booster shot”. I know the previous two statements are full of bull.. but I am not ready to see my child with body piercing..
She is thinking about it !

But I know the tide..it is coming..in full swing.

2 thoughts on “FB status update!!

  1. “Medically, it will be advisable you to be on antibiotic cover before you get any piercing. You also need a tetanus booster shot”. I know the previous two statements are full of bull.. but I am not ready to see my child with body piercing..”
    Man!! Its tough, if you have a doctor mom!! She can truly freak you out!

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