I had 17 % attendance ( really!!) for anatomy theory classes..and apart from me, none in my batch had less than 95% attendance..You too had similar rate of attendance. But unlike me, you took it one step further..you only wrote the exams you wanted to write..
I never understood the point of sitting in a class and listening to the lecturer who is only regurgitating what is written in Cunningham’s manual, when you can read it for yourself. ( When you really don’t have time and decided to study the night before the exam, you read Chaurasia..how hard it is?) But the rest of my batch mates, they were afraid..I don’t know what they were afraid of..I see this image of close to 170 students, sitting down and diligently writing down every word the lecturer utters..as though each word somehow was different from what is written in the textbook, when any sensible person knows..anatomy can’t change..be is spoken by the lecturer or written in the text book..it is the same thing..
I knew what I am capable of..and did what pleased me. ( still do) Studying in a Malayalam medium deprived me of reading a lot of books that I should have read as a child. And I wanted to catch up on my reading..
Then there was this need to travel..that was another passion we shared. You often hear people wanting to go on a vacation..everyone wants to do it..yet very few people actually do it..They all have excuses. Money, leave, weather..( but I think, deep inside it is the fear of the unknown..that prevents people from travelling..money comes and goes..public holidays are there if you are short of leave..and weather can always be tamed if you are willing)
With you none of those mattered. The time before Internet..we relied on word of mouth..and you heard about Adugodi water falls.. ( I need help here..I searched the net..there doesn’t seem to be an adugodi water falls..The place was 4 hours ride from Bangalore..where we stopped was an isolated place..full of rocks ( very similar to QSQT movie last few scenes) ..an ideal spot for white water rafting..water was swift flowing over the rocks..it wasn’t a major fall..and there was no one to ask the name of the place..Somehow.. I remember it is as adugodi..is there anything like that in Adugodi?)
I wanted to walk over the rocks. you wouldn’t let me. Instead you told me how the carp started living in the water..
In the beginning, crab, carp, frog and shrimp used to live on land and live like humans.and like humans they used to grow rice. The four of them were good friends..and they worked together, taking turns to cook each meal..Crab was the best cook..and eventually the other three asked the crab if she would mind taking over the kitchen while the rest of them will continue working in the fields.
Crab was only too happy.
Each day crab cooked..the most delicious meals..She glowed with the compliments her friends bestowed upon her..
One day, crab couldn’t get any meat to make curry.
So she pulled one of her legs and put it in the pot along with the vege.
Her friends came in the evening after working all day in the fields..famished and tired..and they ate the dinner cooked by the crab.. It was the most delicious dinner and they told the crab they never ate a meal that tasty. Thought the crab was missing one leg, she was happy..Over time..crab cooked all her legs..
One evening..the three friends came back to the house after working in the fields all day.. they couldn’t find the crab.. they looked around..but no sign of crab. But they were hungry and there was a pot of curry on the stove..Carp opened the pot..and there in the pot was the crab..she gave up her life for her friends..
Carp couldn’t stop laughing..at the stupidity of the crab.. whoever heard of someone giving up their life for their friend.. the shrimp and the frog too joined the laughter..they laughed so much..laughed and laughed..Shrimp rolled backwards laughing..and stayed like that..frog was jumping up and down..and his body too changed..and the carp..she was twisting on turning on the floor.. her body too changed..and the three friends were so ashamed of themselves..and they went to the river and hid themselves..and that is how carp ended up in the water..
I have been fascinated with carp ever since..
I wanted to build a fish pond.. and obviously wanted to have koi…( the most beautiful carp)
Koi are such beautiful fish..and I love them.. ( I always had them..two of my koi are still alive in my friend’s koi pond in Penang..)
I got the plan for my pond..bought the spade to dig..and was looking around for a koi supplier in QLD..
Koi are considered noxious in QLD.. and I will be fined handsomely.. ( Few of my friends here have koi.. illegally..)
What is sad is..NSW and WA allows keeping koi as a pet..
I know..the environmental impact of koi in the water canals and rivers..but what is good for goose should also be good for the gander..why must I be punished because I chose to live in QLD?
I am tempted to keep the koi and pretend ignorance..but then again..I don’t deliberately break a law..even though I am a non conformist..( and the reason for the widget on the right hand side! they look cute eh??and you can feed them too.. click the mouse and see..)
is it this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanumangundi_Falls
there is a steep trek down to get to the falls ..
Pav: nah, we have been to Kudremukh,,but that trip was not the one..
I have been searching for it all morning..I finally found it..Mekedaatu..and my brilliant mind has converted meke to aadu..not sure how I managed to contrive the godi from mekedaatu.
😀 hehe.. I have that problem … my mind decides that certain places are the way I would have seen it and for the life of my i wouldn't remember the actual name or the scene but sometimes it all comes back to me as though it was never forgotten …. internet is definitely a blessing Mekedaatu looks beautiful …
Pav: there are days when I type my blog and without realizing look up and ask “hey what was the name of that place or how did that story end” and I feel so angry..that he isn't there to answer all my questions..and if it wasn't for the internet..I wouldn't have been able to cope.
I am one of those who makes grand plans to go places and then am afraid to go and get lost. It is fear..to the core.. of the unknown. You hit the nail on the head and hammered it in!! 🙂
I am still gathering the courage to just get in a drive away off road like you did.
It is fun feeding the kois on your site.
ms: we are all walking to our own extinction.. why fear the unknown?
I liked what you said about travel. Its so true. Recently we did some trek series in which we don't disclose where we going.. So no internet searching and mugging up details.. Only one or 2 people will be knowing inside out plans.. It was really so much interesting than usual. Its fun to go in unknown..
Vindys: I did wonder where you disappeared to. Good to see you here..The trip to unknows has its own charm..always.