Arjun was waiting for me outside the gallery. I didn’t feel like hiding from him, so I continued to walk towards the gallery entrance
“Hey” Arjun spoke
I just nodded my head. I was still annoyed with him for not thanking me for the bread.
“Thanks for the bread” Arjun spoke
I was so mad yesterday when he didn’t send a thank yoy note, yet when he told me ‘thank you’ just now, I didn’t feel anything.
“You are welcome”
“Do you have your periods?”
“What?” I stared at him. How dare he ask me such a personal question?
Arjun started to laugh.
“what is so funny?” I was getting really angry with him
“Why are you cranky in the morning? Here, I got something for you”
Arjun took something from his lab coat and I noticed it was a bar of Amul cholcolate.
I looked at the chocolate in his hand and then at him.
He was still smiling
I could hear the Amul ad at the back of my head
Amul Chocolate, a gift for someone you love.
“Arey Bhaiyya, What is that? Is that chocolate I see?” I heard Rupesh asking
“Oh oh” Arjun spoke. “Here” Arjun passed the chocolate to me.”Run, before he gets it, or you will only get the wrapper”
“hey, hey Wait” Rupesh yelled
I ran inside the gallery and found a place to sit somewhere in the middle. I hid the chocolate in the inside pocket of my lab coat. Arjun and Rupesh walked in together.
Rupesh looked at me and whispered
“I will get you later”
“yeah yeah” I nodded my head and laughed.
Then it occured to me that all my classmates were busy doing last minute revision and I was busy laughing and playing. There was something definitely wrong with me.
Arjun and Rupersh sat 2 rows in front of me and when the professor handed the questions, he turned and whispered
“Good luck Nina”
“Thanks, good luck” I spoke
“You wish him good luck” Arjun pointed to Rupesh. “If he doesn’t know the answer, I am doomed!”
There was something about Arjun that was so funny. He always knew how to make me laugh. I was happy at that moment. I almost forgot I was about to write microbiology internal exam.
Then I realized I shouldn’t be happy. He wasn’t the one who was supposed to make me happy. I wasn’t in love with Arjun. I loved someone else.
I took a deep breath when I thought about Beautiful Eyes. I had no idea where he was. All I wanted was to talk to him. Tell him how much I love him. Take him home and introduce him to Amma, make him write his exams quickly and marry him in three or four years.
Gosh, I couldn’t imagine getting married in three years time!
That thought itself was scary. I shook my head.’ No , no I don’t want to think about it’
Namratha Kaul passed the question to me and I quickly read all the questions.
I calculated the marks I would get for each question and figured out which are the ones I should attempt. I just needed 20 marks to pass.
I wrote the answers in less than 30 minutes and got up to leave the hall. I had an hour and a half free time. May be I will go to the library and read the news paper.
I walked down the steps and handed my answer sheets to the professor.
“Done?” He asked
“Yes sir”
I was about to walk off when I heard the professor speak, “Wait”
I waited, while he went through all my answers. He then looked at me.
“You didn’t attempt all the questions”
“No sir”
I thought of telling him, because the sky is so high. What is his problem if I attempted all the questions or not?
“That is because Sir” I started to stammer
“here, go and write the answers for all the questions. Write whatever you know. But I want you to attempt all the questions. Understand?”
“Yes sir” I spoke.
Moron! he didn’t want me to get 1 hour 30 minutes of free time! I took the paper from his hand and walked back to my place. I could see Rupesh and Arjun laughing at me. I stuck my tongue out and everyone started to laugh.
“Quiet” Professor yelled.
I quietly walked to my place and sat down. Arjun turned to look at me and he was still laughing
“Get lost” I whispered
He winked.
Wishing all of you a very happy Valentine’s Day.
May your heart be filled with love and happiness.
Today morning as I stepped outside the shower I was singing the Amul song – I am too old [to be something] too young [to be something]- then i told myself – But I think you are just right for amul chocolate
Amul chocolate – A gift for someone you lovee
This is coincidence or what ???
Happy Valentines day dear !!
Lol that was a great ‘couple’ of posts there for Feb 14. Exchanging bread and Amul chocolate! How’s the music bashing going? Maybe consider busking once the season changes 🙂
A couple of lines from ONV:
Pandathe paattinte varikal
Chundathu then thulliyayi!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Revathy: We used to have so many versions of that jingle.. I am too old for sleeping in the class, too young to bunk, but I think I am just right for Amul Chocolate..Hope you had a great valentines day
Nmouse: Seriously considering the busking idea..