Does anyone remember this restaurant in Madras/Chennai
Year. 1990
All I remember is getting off at a traffic light, there was a huge brown colour building (?LIC) on one side of the road, then I had to walk for abt 15 minutes, passing office buildings, few salwar shops, then there was this place, almost at the end of the shop lots, white walls, majestic looking place, inside the restaurant was extremely pleasant with lots of tanjavoor paintings on the wall. From what I remember the place was owned by MGR or one of his family members. I did try to find this restaurant the last time I was in Madras..Everyone said it was closed down. Does anyone remember the name of the restaurant?
Is it AVM Dasa? By your description Ketan, who has lived/worked in Chennai says it could be AVM Dasa,
Dear Mini, thank you very much, Thank you for letting me know the name of the restaurant i have been to 18 years ago.
as soon as I saw your comment, I googled and found a picture of the restaurant.
You have no idea how happy you made me!
Sarah, you are welcome!