How about getting a marketing degree ?
Capella University is a subsidiary of Capella Education Company based in Minneapolis offers online degrees in Business, Information technology, Psychology etc. They offer 76 graduate courses and 16 certificate courses. They have students from more than 63 countries.
Capella University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools(
For further information please visit: or call
There are a number of such programs. Most, if not all require a TOEFL for foreign graduates, and many a GRE/GMAT scores- when it actually comes to admission.
Once admitted, the fee generally works out to US$20000 to 30000 per annum. There are deadlines to meet virtually everyday, to meet the minimum passing score of 80% per test. ( In other words, standards are mantained as high as a regular course). On an average, nearly 70% of those admitted drop out of the course as it proceeds.
If you have the time, and the inclination and money, way to go.
Best wishes!
( from a peer reviewer of one such student)
christmas gift ???
r u join for the course as a gift for urself?
hi guys, this post is just from some spammer. sarah, delete it as soon as you get online.
Gift ????
Sorry guys.. I didn’t explain..
My son fell down in the school and had a minor head injury.. I like any mother promised him the sky if he stopped crying while the Dr stitched his head..
I was expecting him to ask a crispy creme donut(his fav) or even a game boy pug..
He asked for “Play station3”.. and the darned thing cost a lot of money..
so I have no choice but to earn some income quickly so I can get him a PS3 for christmas!
Blogitive pays 5 dollars/post I write.!!! (and I have the mammoth task to write 100 posts)!!!! however a promise is a promise and I intend to honour please bear with me..
you like any other mother couldve got ur son something else and broken te promise….
but…….coz u r ‘imigrant in canada’ u r keep up ur word……
Sorry to hear about your son. Is he OK now?
Sarah, do you have a job in some hospital now or are you still job hunting?
well, Sarah…that explains this,,,
when i was small i had a number of wishes, which was similar to the playstations, my father always explained the tight situation he was in and put a yard stick, so i got something less expensive or i got it if i topped the exams and so on…that is better than to get consummed with the consumerisim, what if he asks next year for the PS4??
anyway hope you suceed with your effort!
oh Sarah!You would move a mountain for your kids.Hope he is doing better now.
Sarah, Hope your son is recovering fine. BTW, maybe you could post your usual entry and then say”Now for my daily plug–….” and then do your ad bit. That way all your loyal readers will know what’s going on:)
Sorry to hear about your son. I do hope that he is not in pain and is recovering well.
take care!
madhavan kutty
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i do hope ur son is feeling much better now..
and am also sure that wid a super mom that he has, he’s sure to get his PS3 this christmas 🙂 !!!
100 new posts? Surely this is our Christmas gift!
Thank you all for the best wishes. My son had concussion and we survived the first 48 hours, without much trouble.. I am sure he is going to be fine.
Ronnie: 3 years ago, My son nearly died. While the Dr’s were fighting to save his life, all that went through my head was the times I scolded him, the times I told him ‘not now, I am busy’ and the one promise I didn’t honour..( I had promised a ride on bear creek park train and I didn’t have time to take him)
I didn’t think of the good times I had with him, the stories I read each night, the times I took him to the beach and made sand castles for him, the times I hugged him, the kisses I gave etc..
I promised myself that day, whatever happens, I will cherish every single moment I have with my kids..and I will honour every single promise..
More so now, as I am the only one my kids have on earth. If anything happens to me, they will be placed under foster care!..(they have no where to go)
sarah, i am sure your motherly love is in abundence, and you will make a wonderful mum, he sure should have the unconditional love of a mother….i respect your wishes to honour all your promises.
i will send you this wise saying by Eddie Rickenbacker-” Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage
unless you’re scared.”
ronnie: Thank you for those words.. I needed them!