years ago, one Amway dealer came to my house and tried to enrol me in to Amway. His first question was, what is my dream? I couldn’t answer right away. and he prompted, a ferrari car? an all paid vacation to Australia? a bungalow?
It was weird.. I didn’t really have any dreams when it came to money. I probably had the cocoon syndrome. Happy where I am. and money couldn’t buy more happiness. The amway guy shook his head as to how pathetic I am.. that I don’t even have any dreams.Fortunately he didn’t force me to join Amway, cause they sell dreams and I didn’t fit the criteria.
Yesterday someone asked me what are the things I would like to do before I die.
That got me in to is my list
1. travel across Canada
2. watch northern lights
3. Learn to ski
4. travel the entire silk route
5. have enough courage and meet my father and tell him, what exactly I felt, when he
left us.
6. Teach the kids to do good and do no harm
7. I would like to see a racially tolerant Malaysia
8. Go back to my kampong and buy a small atap house and lots of land, near a stream,creek what ever.. do farming.
That is it.. see how boring my dreams are??