Dream interpretation

I am known to hv slept through an earth quake(6 on ritcher scale!!). I woke up to find the whole town in a buzz of activity and only realized i slept through a major earthquake, after my frantic mom called me to find out if i am alive…
I also don’t hv the ability to remember any of my dreams. many years ago my Singaporean room mate used to talk to herself before going to bed,saying something like” I want to know wht my inner self is speaking to me, so i want to remember my dream”. She even kept a dream journal.
I just didn’t hv the patience or the interest to learn more about my innerself. Think about it, I don’t even know me, and how would i deal with the innerself and all the other complications attached to it..
The problem now is, the last 2 months I hv been having dreams. Not night mares. I keep dreaming that someone is dying. sometimes people i know, sometimes people i don’t even know. I also see this huge river( 10 times bigger thn sungei Klang and cleaner too) and lots of big cute fishes. Wht irkes me is tht I am not upset with the death part.. I am normal casual self. So this is kind of perplexing. Why am I dreaming death? Why am i so calm when i see death.. and which river is this?
Any suggestions??

2 thoughts on “Dream interpretation

  1. The river represents life… hence the big fish… alive and healthy… why you feel at ease with the dead cuz they are now at peace with the world….

    I think you have dreamt the inner calm… yes?


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