I am a trillionaire!!!!

In the last 1 year i hv won the first price in 7 online lotto, each win approx 30 million USD. Many bankers from Cairo to Hong Kong has checked my background and found me suitable to give my personal identity to the relative/mother/father/sister of many famous people, so they can send their money to MY ACCOUNT. Even Nadia Arafat wrote to me asking for my help to transfer her money(150 million..wow)
I learned in the last 1 year that the world has indeed become a better place to live. Whereelse would you find kind souls to buy ticket in my name using my email identity and then letting me know tht I hv won..!!!
Think how famous I am to receive letters from vice presidents and kith and kin of former president of most parts of Africa.
The worst part is I hv been hitting the spam icon on my yahoo each time i get these mails, But the good will is never ending..must be my lucky year..

2 thoughts on “I am a trillionaire!!!!

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    by Alex S. Gabor

    It is said by some energy experts that the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming harbor a combined cache of wealth the equivalent of 2 trillion barrels of oil. At todays oil prices that would amount to over $100 trillion worth of wealth!

    Four years ago, if you had googled the word “trillionaire”, you would have come up with less than a thousand references to the subject. Today, punching in the word “Trillionaire” on any of the major search engines you are likely to come up with less than 70,000 results, even on Yahoo.

    In 1999, Wired magazine erroneously predicted that Bill Gates would be the world’s first trillionaire by 2005. Unfortunately it didn’t predict the dot bomb meltdown of 2000 and 2001.

    Neither Gates nor Buffet is interested in remaining the richest and second richest men in the world. They are both fast and furiously giving their money away before they die lest they become unable to pass through to the gates of paradise after their demise.

    The number of billionaires being made worldwide continued to accelerate up until around the end of 2005, with more than two dozen being added in the last couple of years to the worlds list of richest humans, now numbering closer to 800.

    To read the rest of the article click here:


    Alex S. Gabor is a freelance writer who lives in Hollywood.

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