Bloody Indians !!!

Read first before you take up arms !

I am one of those rare species among women who hate shopping. I go to malls only when it is absolutely necessary and I have never ever gone for window shopping. ( I don’t have the patience for it).
I had to buy birthday gifts, acrylic paint and some iris bulbs ( killed the last ones!). The only place I can get all of them is Kmart. “Happily” I went to the Kmart near my home.

I think, there really is an evil designer out there somewhere whose speciality is designing shopping trolleys that goes ‘one direction’ when you are pushing it the other direction. I had to push the trolley the other direction to get it go the way I was heading. Not an easy task.
I got all the stuff and was really glad to find white acrylic paint on clearance. 50 cents for 250 ml.

Normally I watch the screen at the check out counter to ensure that they scanned the correct prices. Yesterday for a few seconds I was distracted. ( in other words, I saw a handsome guy and was vayum nokkifying!)
I always check the bill after I come out of the shop. (It is my money and I hate to waste it)
And the Poirot in me noticed that I was charged 2 $ instead of 50 cents for the paint. I went to the customer service. There was a couple in front of me ( white), they were returning a Playstation. The lady at the counter ( Indian) was polite, kind and very understanding. She didn’t even ask them why they are returning the playstation. She processed the transaction quickly and returned the money and with a 70 mm smile, she thanked them. ( for what? returning the playstation?)
Then it was my turn.
She looked at me and asked
I explained. I bought a tube of paint and it was supposed to be 50 cents and I was charged 2 $ and showed her the bill.
“where is the item?” she asked.
I fished it out of the plastic carry bag.
She took it, observed it like a surgeon checking the tumor that he just removed!
“Did you check, if there was a yellow clearance label where you picked up this paint from?”
“Yes” I replied.
“Did you check that it was for the white paint?”
“Did you check that it was for the 250 ml tube?”
All this for a bloody 2 $ tube of paint.
By then I had lost my patience. Before she asked me the 4th question in her list of questions to ask an Indian customer, I told her ” I suggest, you go to the shelf where the paint is and check the details” i was pretty stern.
“You don’t have to be rude ” she said.
Grudgingly she returned the money back.
The only thought that I had in my mind
“Bloody Indians”
She was polite to a white customer who returned a 350$  playstation and gave me the third degree. Why? Because I am an Indian like her?
Oh BTW, the icing on the cake? Her daughter plays basketball with my youngest child and we meet every monday and sunday!

3 thoughts on “Bloody Indians !!!

  1. wow! seriously!!?! She could not even give you the benefit of the doubt seeing that you were a mom of one of her daughter's friends!?
    You're right though about the racist attitude a lot of Indians have!!

  2. Mom of A and a: It is against the law to charge higher than the advertised price. She has to know the law if she was working at the customer service. I wasn't even returning the product. Yet, she chose to be bitchy because that is how Indians treat another Indian. They get some sort of thrill doing this.
    Geeth: The chinese and the Malaysa treat their own kind well, we Indian get it from all sides..even our own kind treat us badly! sigh.

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